Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Herpes Know, Symptoms, and How to Treat

Herpes is a skin disease that is usually caused by a virus . Incorrect understanding of the causes of this disease are usually diprasangkai entirely due to unhealthy sexual relationship , but the main cause is the herpes virus infection . The disease is characterized by symptoms of malaise , fever , pain / aches, and can also be accompanied by shortness of breath . Currently , herpes itself is divided into two types according to the virus that causes it , namely herpes zoster and herpes simplex . Because - Type Herpes Shingles Shingles is generally the most widely occurring Get Rid Of Herpes , is caused by a virus Varicella Zoster .

Much like chicken pox causing bubbles in maroon leather because this virus that causes chicken pox . These bubbles which will cause infection in the skin when ruptured . Herpes zoster can infect all parts of the skin to the body . Unlike genital herpes herpes simplex or genital herpes are caused by viruses that come from unhealthy sexual relationships , types of herpes is common in America , particularly the United States , the disease has infected nearly as much as 20 % of adults in there . Herpes simplex virus , a virus that is difficult to shut down , so it can sometimes infect recur after some time the patient was declared cured . Special herpes simplex is more common in the sexual organs and the surrounding . Transmission Transmission of herpes besides purely due to virus infection Get Rid Of Herpes by Sarah Wilcox Book PDF Review, the disease can be transmitted by contact with an infected eye , touch the infected part , and sexual relations with a patient . To cure herpes treatment itself can be done by taking medical drugs that can be consulted with medical experts such as medical specialists , and your personal physician . Sources and References :

* Know the characteristics of Herpes July 8th , 2012 admin Herpes traits arise when a person infected with herpes . Transmission of herpes usually from touching the skin with herpes sufferers . when a person has been infected with herpes , the herpes cici traits will arise .

Herpes disease is an inflammatory disease of the skin and usually appears bubbles containing water and in groups . Herpes Disease consists of two kinds of herpes zoster The Ultimate Herpes Protocol Review, herpes disease that affects the skin . And genital herpes is that herpes is one of the venereal disease . The characteristics of this herpes is a sense of shortness of breath , fever , chills , joint feels nyari , sore only on one part of the body . Normally the characteristics of other herpes herpes disease that attacks sometimes find themselves attacked by appendicitis , migraine , or heart attack . This will bring up a small bubble in the back but that is only on one side in a particular area of ​​innervation . The bubble burst , painful and can thus be infected by bacteria . Painful bubble characteristics such as herpes , can also appear on the eye area , forehead and around the genital and only appear on one side of the body .

Attack of herpes can occur simultaneously in several neural areas that cause herpes expansion into other parts of the body up to the head . But in general characteristics and disease herpes heroes only attack the area of innervation in the chest area . In order not to enter the bacteria and does not cause scars it as much as possible to keep the bubbles on the skin is not broken by using talcum powder to lubricate the skin . Usually a few days later , the bubble will deflate because body absorb and there will be a black scars on the skin . If the patient is resistant to herpes cold it is okay to shower E-Book by Melanie Addington does it work | PDF Download - Scam or Not . In general, herpes is spread through direct contact . Even for shingles can be transmitted through the air but not as strong infectivity of chicken pox . If there are people who contract herpes zoster , herpes traits usually initially had chicken pox before although he has never been sick chicken pox . Therefore , people with herpes should rest first to pegalnya not noticeably longer and the wound dries . Hopefully this article herpes traits could be useful .

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